Hang on – switching hosting providers

After a long and happy relationship with Webzpro, I am afraid I need to switch hosting providers.  In their never-ending battle with spam, Webzpro has changed their email policy to no longer support some features which I require.  Other than this policy change, I’ve been quite happy there but unfortunately, this is a deal-breaker for me.

Please bear with me while I relocate.  I’ve found a new host with the features that I require and, they say, the ability to transfer my existing content seamlessly.  If you can still read this tomorrow, then perhaps all that is true.

Finally, I’m not investing in SSL at the new host until I’ve fully moved in there and tested the blog and podcasting functions.  Hopefully this won’t present any major issues.  Wish me luck!  Here goes…

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2 Responses to Hang on – switching hosting providers

  1. David Awerbuch says:

    Hi T.Rob,

    So …. did the rehosting cutover succeed? you never updated the home page after what was supposed to be the April move.

    Also,what happened to your page http://t-rob.net/archives ??


    • T.Rob says:

      Hi Dave – The move was just a bit rocky but successful in the end. The Archives page was supposed to have an index of posts but I was unable to get it to work after the move. I’m not sure whether it had to do with the WordPress upgrade conflicting with the theme I’m using, something with the new hosting platform (not likely, I think) or something altogether different. In any case, I’ve been so caught up in the transition at work (more on that in the next post) that I just nixed the page from the menu and moved on. Also, the email list which was powered by Mailman at Webzpro was a complete loss. I hope to have a replacement sometime in August or September. On a positive note, I did get SSL set up on the new host site.

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