
This page contains links to content that I have authored or contributed to in some way and links to the sites of friends with similar interests in WebSphere MQ security.

MQ Tech conference v2.0.17

MQ Automation: Config Management Using Baselines, Patterns and Apps
Take the grunt work out of MQ configuration management for virtualization, cloud, and large networks by applying a layered approach. This session will introduce the concept of building an MQ configuration from a baseline, then defining a class of service with a pattern layer, and finishing off with application configurations. This modular approach dramatically improves consistency, quality, and flexibility while greatly reducing cost. In compliance environments it provides a definitive as-specified configuration to which the as-running state can be reconciled at intervals or in near-real time. A basic script framework for implementing this system will be reviewed as well.

MQ Automation: Config Management using Amazon S3
The central server needed to set up an MQ configuration Management system turns out to be a consistent showstopper, but with a few pennies and a few scripts you can use Amazon Simple Storage. This session introduces scripts that automate QMgr builds with a local shell script that queries a flat-file configuration database stored in the cloud. It’s dirt cheap and super simple yet can reduce the time and cost of building MQ nodes while improving quality and consistency.

Note: I created a dedicated user for the conference and am supplying the ID and key in the session materials. Download the slides so you can cut-and-paste the commands to install the AWS metadata files.

Note: I created a dedicated user for the conference and am supplying the ID and key in the session materials. Download the slides so you can cut-and-paste the commands to install the AWS metadata files.


MQ CHLAUTH and Password Authentication Research

Links to the research, findings, and tools for the research into behavior of MQ’s password-based authentication and CHLAUTH behavior in MQ v8.0 and v9.0.


MQTC 2.0.16


MQTC 2.0.15

My sessions and the downloadable files from the MQTC conference 27 September 2015.



Internet of Things

Webspherere MQ v8.0

WebSphere MQ v7.1 & v7.5 content

WebSphere MQ v6.0 and v7.0 content


White Papers

  • White Paper: IBM Websphere MQ Security
    The first in a series of white papers discussing IBM Websphere MQ security has been released by Martyn Ruks of MWR InfoSecurity. This paper is listed here because I provided “ongoing insight and advice”.
