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Tag Archives: News
Inaccurate MQ auths event messages
The security maturity progression in MQ starts with access control. First we isolate MQ Admin access, then add granular user and application access. This class of security control is known as intrusion prevention. After mastering that the next phase includes … Continue reading
Posted in IBMMQ, News, Security, WMQ Security
Tagged authorization, AUTHREC, bugs, Events, logs, News, security, setmqaut, WebSphere MQ Security, WMQ Security
Knowledge Center corrections
Keen-eyed observers will have noticed that the MQ and IIB Knowledge Centers now have a floating “Contact Us” overlay at the bottom-right of the page. There’s a bit of history there but long story short, for a while there was … Continue reading
Meet the Bat-O-Meter!
Heard about the Bats of A Feather contest at MQTC? If so then you knew contestants get 3 minutes each to talk about their best (worst?) IT story vying for awesome prizes. But what you didn’t know – until now … Continue reading
Time for MQ to get serious about instrumentation and admin. Again.
Outstanding RFEs and feature requests have been a hot topic on the MQ list server of late. Looking at the RFEs that have been posted and discussed, there’s a general architectural requirement many of them seem to have in common: … Continue reading
Posted in Events, IBMMQ, IIB, News, Security, WMQ Security
Tagged Events, Hursley, IBM MQ, News, Recommended Practices, security, vulnerability, WebSphere MQ, WebSphere MQ Security, WMQ, WMQ Security
First inaugural Bats of a Feather
We’re trying something new at MQTC this year and if it goes well it may become a regular event. Let us know what you think by voting and participating in the contest. It’s conceived as a cross between the Birds … Continue reading
IBM MQ JMS is non-compliant
One of the first things anyone learns about async messaging are the fundamental messaging patterns: Datagram, Request/Reply and report. The textbook handling of reply messages calls for the server application to move the message ID to the correlation ID field … Continue reading
Posted in Fail, IBMMQ, News
Tagged compliance, IBM, IBM MQ, JMS, News, specification, WebSphere MQ, WMQ
Configuration backups: the forgotten WMQ security control
Update: IBM has reconsidered and has announced that dmpmqcfg will be fixed as a defect! Subscribe if you would like a notification when the fix is announced. But please do read the post, especially if you are using amqoamd for … Continue reading
Posted in Fail, General, IBMMQ, IIB, MQ AMS, MQMFT, Security, WMQ ESE, WMQ Security
Tagged Best Practices, commentary, IBM, News, security, WebSphere MQ Security, WMQ, WMQ Security
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Cluster security
Well, the residency to write the new WebSphere MQ Security book is past the halfway point and we are working diligently to finish up on time. I’m happy to say that one of my favorite new security topics is covered … Continue reading
Posted in Events, IBMMQ, News, Publications, WMQ Security
Tagged Admin, Best Practices, clustering, Events, IBM, News, Redbooks, security, WebSphere MQ, WMQ, WMQ Security
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New MO71 Beta
Paul Clarke has been working on MO71, a.k.a. mqmon, and has released a beta version of the program. He mentioned that some people have problems getting attachments in email so I offered to host a download. Whether you are a … Continue reading
News and updates
This is a quick note to tell folks a bit about my virtual absence of late, current events and plans for what’s coming up. Whatever happened to… I’m not exactly a candidate for VH1’s Where Are They Now but I … Continue reading →
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